The Suicide Squad
In honor of the greatest movie of the summer being released today, I absolutely HAD to make this post all about The Suicide Squad. I have been waiting for this movie ever since I heard about it being made. And now the time has come for the movie to be released. This is going to be unlike any superhero-villain movie ever created. Not just because the good guys are made up of bad guys, but everything about the film! The entire tone and mood of the movie is unlike any movie in either DC or Marvel. What makes this stand out so much is the sadistic humor woven throughout the film. From trailers, we get to see that sadisitic taste. I mean look at the trailer song. It is an epic and well know song, but is still one that has a more lighthearted tone to it. And putting that as the accompanying sound for the scenes we get in the trailer? Genius! Absolute genius. I mean that sets the stage for what we feel the movie is going to be like, and boy did that capture the Suicide Squad so well. I mean t...