Gorillaz and Daft Punk
Today I have music for you by the Gorillaz. This song is a lesser known song by them and this band in general is just a lesser known band here in America. It is kind of funny because if I ever see a person wearing a Gorillaz shirt I go up to them and tell them that I love Gorillaz too because it is kind of rare to see fans! There are so many things to love about this band. Gorillaz has this great quirkiness to them that a lot of people would find weird and maybe to the extreme as downright abnormal. But I love that quirkiness because you will never see a band that looks and sounds like these guys. Gorillaz is so uniquely their own that if anyone even wanted to try and copy them, it would be pretty much impossible. Gorillaz has a style unlike any other because a lot of times there is no method to their madness! Every album explores the weirdest pockets of rock and rap and psychedelic music. You cannot put these guys into a single genre because they span so many. This song in particular ...