
Showing posts from January 19, 2016

Nathan Ball and Explosions In The Sky

Today I have some music for you by the artist known as Nathan Ball. Now from the name, you would think that this is a one man show. Which technically it is. I mean the main part of the act is indeed the singer songwriter, Nathan Ball. But this is actually a four man band. Now when I say it is a four man band, I mean that Nathan Ball has a great entourage of musicians who play and make his music complete. And, I am so happy to say that one of these musicians is a cellist.  Also known as my favorite stringed instrument. Of course I am biased because I am a cellist myself, but it always makes me so happy to know that orchestral instruments are making a lot of headway in the music industry today. But on to this beautiful song! So this is a song that has a lot more ambiance to it. It isn't a sad or happy song, melancholy or bubbly song. But it is one of those songs that has the ability to put you in the moment. It is the kind of song that you can listen to while paying attention, or hav...