Nathan Ball and Explosions In The Sky

Today I have some music for you by the artist known as Nathan Ball. Now from the name, you would think that this is a one man show. Which technically it is. I mean the main part of the act is indeed the singer songwriter, Nathan Ball. But this is actually a four man band. Now when I say it is a four man band, I mean that Nathan Ball has a great entourage of musicians who play and make his music complete. And, I am so happy to say that one of these musicians is a cellist.  Also known as my favorite stringed instrument. Of course I am biased because I am a cellist myself, but it always makes me so happy to know that orchestral instruments are making a lot of headway in the music industry today. But on to this beautiful song! So this is a song that has a lot more ambiance to it. It isn't a sad or happy song, melancholy or bubbly song. But it is one of those songs that has the ability to put you in the moment. It is the kind of song that you can listen to while paying attention, or have it playing in the background. Either way, you still get the essence and feeling of the song. And that is something that isn't easy to find in a song. A lot of times the lyrics make the song the magical piece that it is, or the beats and synths are what make the song very exciting and fun. But this is one of those rare songs that you can listen to, and at times think you are listening to one of those instrumental bands. But then it can also be one of those more indie and folk songs, with the kind of vocals that are soft and more airy. Speaking of which, the vocals in this song are really comforting. They feel like water flowing over you, like the calmness of a creek. This song is one that is completely mesmerizing. It begins very gently, with a meandering guitar and more pressing drums. But it quickly calms down to a more quiet and tranquil kind of sound. This song calls attention to the darkness it so lovingly embraces. Which is a little weird to say, considering I mentioned how this is a more ambient song. But even in that atmospheric music, there is a delicate balance between being dark and bubblier. But this song conjures up the tensions and sensations of nighttime, and calls attention to all those things that prowl right on the outside of your vision. But that is what makes this song so great. It has a little bit of that primal darkness, while also having the caressing comfort of a warm stream of water. It has the calm and tranquility of a lake at night, with the soft and lovely glow of the full moon reflected on it. Catch the drift? In any case, Nathan Ball is a wonderful up and coming artist. His music and lyrics are charming and full of depth. This is definitely an artist to keep a look out for! Today's instrumental song is by Explosions in the Sky. This is one of those instrumental bands that knows how to work the ambient genre like a potter and clay. It is ridiculously spellbinding to hear these guys play and know that they are conveying so much more through just those sounds and no words. The communication is so clear and easy to understand. This song has more percussion in it for sure, but also has that darker shroud surrounding it. I will say, the structure of this song and the first are kind of similar, so go check out both artists! I hope you enjoy the music and please feel free to comment!


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