Wolf Gang and Sherlock Holmes
Today's song of the day is by a British alternative band called Wolf Gang. They are definitely not a very popular group, which sucks because I think their style is so refreshing and new! This song takes rhythms from the 80's and meshes them with more current sounds and instruments. They have a sound that is almost like fun. and the Naked and Famous came together and went back in time to the 80's. Its pretty darn amazing! The vocals in this song are awesome. Max McElligot has an incredible falsetto which is a full sound. A lot of times, when males sing in falsetto, some of the actual voice gets lost in teh attempt to reach those high notes. But with Wolf Gang, we can hear that Max McElligott is actually capable of singing strongly in falsetto. And for this song, the falsetto sounds so perfect. The tone of this song is really upbeat and warm and hopeful. But, this is not one of those songs that is super bubbly and happy either. We get this positive energy mixed with this calm...