Eminem & Adele and Salt
Today I have a mashup for you because it has been a ridiculously long time since I put one up. This mashup is of two songs that I absolutely adore. Now who would have thought that Eminem and Adele would make a good duo? I certainly never thought of putting the two artists together, and especially not these songs. I mean both of them have an overlying darkness to them, but they have really different sounds in my opinion. Plus, Eminem is more aggressive and intense, more in your face and intimidating. Adele has a powerful voice, but is more vulnerable and soulful, with a voice that soars. The two artists are so different it is ridiculous! So mad props to the DJ who created this magnificence, DJ Raheem D. There is so much brilliance in the way this song is produced that I can't help but be impressed. The songs meld so well together musically and lyrically in this mashup, which is not an easy feat because of how the songs sound on their own. There is also a really good balance between...