Anberlin and The Gladiator
Hey everyone, back again! Today I have another round of songs that could make my list of the top 5 songs that have changed my life. This first song is by one of my favorite bands of all time, Anberlin. Now what makes this song so special to me, is that this is the first song by them that I have ever heard. And it swept me off my feet and blew me to the moon. I mean this rendition was so beautiful, and listening to this song is what opened my mind to music. Without Anberlin, I would have no idea what is is like to really feel a song and I would have never gotten into music. Not many people listened to Anberlin at that age, and even now, a vast majority do not listen to them. In my eyes, that is such a loss for them. There is a musical genius with the band that cannot be heard by most other bands. I mean everything put out by Anberlin is immersed in feeling. Whether it is love or angst or frustration or loneliness, Anberlin writes those emotions into lyrics and music notes. My love for A...