
Showing posts from February 22, 2017

A R I Z O N A and Kevin Garrett

Today I have some music for you by two artists who are absolutely incredible. Last night I got the chance to see Kevin Garrett and A R I Z O N A perform live in Austin. I haven't been to a concert in a long time, and this was definitely a concert that was a wonderful welcome back. Both artists have a more mellowed out and low key kind of sound, and both artists tend to favor the more R&B route. Now I want to start with A R I Z O N A since they opened the concert. This is a band that came out of Boston, and I love how they make it a point to explore the more obscure parts of music. We have seen a lot of up and coming artists who are really diving into this more obscure side of music, but A R I Z O N A does something very different with their music. A R I Z O N A creates new soundscapes and boundaries that overlap genres. The band purposely focuses on transcendent topics such as love and loss. But what is best of all is that there isn't any restraint. Their music is so free a...