
Showing posts from September 19, 2014

Michael Jackson and The Return Of The King

Today I have some music for you by Michael Jackson. I recently got some really bad news and learned that someone I knew had passed away. I wanted to find a song that kind of described her and how abrupt her life was ended. It was kind of a huge shock for me and my fellow teammates. Honestly, this is going to be a shorter post than normal. But this song has an inspirational orchestral in the background that captures both the melancholy and has a tone that reminds us that life is something to be celebrated. This song is perfect with its piano opening and closing. Michael Jackson offers the most perfect voice and lyrics for this song and what it entails. Today's instrumental song is from the movie The Return Of The King. This score has a melancholy and uplifting sound to it which is what times like these encompass. I hope you enjoy the music and please feel free to comment!