Radical Face and David Bowie
Today's first song is by a music act called Radical Face. What I love about this artist, album, and song is the complete unique quality behind it. Each song in the album has a special story since each song tells the story of a house and what happened in them. This is a concept that I fell in love with because it is something that hasn't been done much in the music scope. The entire album tells a story, and tells us a story of passion and love and sadness. The story that the album tells is one that is a bit quirky, but is also something that we can all relate to. Now I am not going to tell you what I understood from the story because everyone understands the story a little differently. Everyone interprets the story in their own way. But regardless of how you see it, the story is still something touching and lovely. There is so much power in this song in a way that most people would not be able to completely understand. This is song that is as equally eerie as it is moving. Each ...