
Showing posts from March 27, 2016

Vic Mensa and The Game

Today I have some really sick music for you by Vic Mensa and Kanye West. That is right, today we are delving into the world of rap and hip hop, with a little electronic work in the background. Vic Mensa is quite the interesting artist, because his focus is not on making money or having his music played all the time. For him it is more about the experience of getting out there and doing something creative and fun, like making music. This song has a lot of really good things going on in it, and the first thing that I noticed was that the song is pretty chilled out, but has these deep and firm and strong percussion work. That creates this awesome sound for the song, something that you can listen to everywhere. Now I actually have to go the drop in this song because it is a drop into absolute ferocity. This is the kind of song that makes you feel like you are a bad ass walking through the office and holding themselves well. There is this awesome bass and melody line after the drop, and tha...