
Showing posts from March 3, 2017

Akdong Musician and Cloud Atlas

Today I have some music for you that hails from South Korea. This song is by a duo which goes by the name Akdong Musician. Both members are actually siblings, and very young at that. The eldest of the two is only eighteen years old, so talk about talent! This is one the most hauntingly beautiful songs I have heard in a long time. I mean we do hear a lot of slower and more melancholy songs nowadays, but this is one that really stands out to me. And there are so many different elements that make this song the beautiful masterpiece that it is. For starters, the vocals in this song are incredible. I had no idea that people so young could posses this kind of power and emotional content. There is this back and forth between the male and female vocals during the main verses of the song, and harmonies featuring the vocal anguish and sweetness of being helpless and hopeful at the same time. Akdong Musician really makes you feel the song and what they are trying to convey. I don't speak or u