
Showing posts from September 25, 2014

Cash Cash and Daft Punk & Kanye West

Today I have a really hot song by Cash Cash. I am not going to lie, I hadn't heard of these guys till they had their big radio hit, but ever since then I have been an active listener of Cash Cash. This song is an awesome example as to why. Cash Cash knows how to incorporate different aspects of electronic music while maintaining a good sound. A lot of electronic artists like the video game noises and bleeps and blips that come with some songs. Cash Cash uses all of these things while also sticking to the conventional music programming. This is one of those rare songs that features video game music that I don't find annoying. Cash Cash balances all the different styles and splices them to fit in certain points in the song. This song also features other instruments as well like a tambourine and actual drums. I like that a lot because it shows versatility in the way that Cash Cash produces music. Cash Cash also uses things like old school synths and keyboards which is really nice ...