Ima Robot and Tame Impala
Today I have a song for you by the band known as Ima Robot. Many of you will recognize this song because it is used in the show Suits. Disclaimer, Suits is a wonderfully fantastic show and I highly recommend you go watch it. Anyway, this song has a really cool and suave feel to it. It has that artsy urban grunge to it which I really like. It is a different way of performing rock music and takes you back to the 90's style of music. This song has a really cool charm to it because a lot of the song falls on the support of the bass guitar over the drums. The bass guitar serves as a secondary percussion to the rest of the instrumentals. It is actually kind of awesome how simple the instruments are in this song because when you bring the together you hear a really sick song. The main instruments are of course the bass guitar, tambourine, drums, and keyboard. Nothing else makes an appearance and I like it that way. The music in this song is so structured but so laid back at the same time....