Kanye West and Soik
Today's first song is by an artist who knows how to take his music to the top of the charts. Not only is he incredible at rapping, but his absolute creativity in song production is simply genius. Of all the arrogant artists out there, this guy is one of the minuscule proportion of artists who has music to support his personality. Kanye West is one of the greatest artists to come since the inception of hip hop. He is a man who lives, breathes, and is rap and hip hop. This song is still so fresh and is a genre of its own I think. Kanye West is one of the only artists to create rap music like this, and has been able to popularize it. This song is unlike most R&B and rap songs, especially due to the style of the song. This entire album by Kanye West is very cool and suaveD and is what I kind of think is like hip hop new wave. It is not common for rappers to rely on synths and keyboards this heavily in their music. But this song makes great use of old school drum effects and some si...