Grammy Awards Part 2
Welcome back! Today I wanted to continue my discussion about the Grammy awards. Now I know that the first post was bit on the longer side, and I am going to try and keep today's thoughts a bit shorter. I have to admit, I am very happy to see that the Grammy nominees this year were way more diverse than we are used to seeing. And I applaud the Academy for including more artists of colors and language across the board. And speaking of the Academy, I wanted to talk a little bit about them and how the Grammy process works. The voters involved are a select group of songwriters, conductors, recording artists, sound engineers, etc. All of these people operate in professionally within the music industry, across genres and careers. So that being said, the voting environment for the Grammys is more along the lines of professionalism rather than cultural. This makes things a bit more interesting though because we don't have unanimous view on what "quality" is. In a way I th...