Hugh Laurie and Michael Buble

Today's song is by a very talented man who is widely known as playing the incredible Dr. House. Hugh Laurie has showcased both his acting and music skills throughout House and side projects. He has released an album of some of the best music to take us back the roots of our mainstream music. Laurie's style is that of the Harlem Renaissance and New Orleans jazz, and he does a tremendous job. It is very rare to hear music like this today, especially quality jazz that is performed in this manner. Hugh Laurie embodies that feel and genre, so naturally, his performances are going to be as spectacular and authentic. Obviously there are gong to be some differences, some modern twists, but Hugh Laurie keeps the integrity of the music and molds it into something that is very him. Today's instrumental song is by Michael Buble, and is a more modern style of jazz. I hope you enjoy the music and please feel free to comment!


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