Willie Nelson and The Assassination of Jesse James

Today I have a cover of an incredibly famous song by another extremely famous artist. Willie Nelson has done a very beautiful rendition of one of Coldplay's best songs. This song was done for the movie The Judge, and it fits splendidly with the entire mood and tone and essence of the movie. What I love about this cover is that it sounds absolutely nothing like the original song. Willie Nelson is able to convey that same sentiment in a way that is completely different from the way the original song was done. This version has more of a country tone to it, but there is something more folk to this song. I think that is what makes this song so beautiful. The fact that is folk and has that warmth of perceived 1800s ranch homes. It has that warmth that comes with summer nights in the prairie, that beauty of the wide open space. Willie Nelson did an incredible job with this cover, and I love the fact that it is simply him and a guitar for a majority of the song. Everything about this song is so incredibly perfect in the strangest way possible. Willie Nelson performs the song to the same tune and lyrics, but that is where all the similarities end. The way he pronounces and the rhythm to which he sings the lyrics is even different. I thought that was kind of cool to be quite frank. Willie Nelson throws down some spectacular chords for this song and harmonies that go really well in the background. These harmonies are sung to the same pitch as the original, but in a method that is a little bit different. This song has that same emotional draw that the original one has which is really impressive to do considering the shift from pop and rock to folk and country. But Willie Nelson has done a magnificent job of putting this together and performing it. For those of you who have seen The Judge, this song is so fit for the movie and the best way to end it as well. Today's instrumental song is from the movie The Assassination of Jesse James. This score is definitely darker but I think it fits well enough. I hope you enjoy the music and please feel free to comment!


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